
Now Offering Micro-Nutrient Testing and Personalized Supplement Plans

By Patsy Colvin PA-C
Eating a balanced diet, exercising and taking a multivitamin is simply not enough. Each person’s body is unique in its own way. Due to the complexity of the human body, an individualized healthcare approach is the only way to guarantee optimal results. Micronutrient testing measures the function of 35 nutritional components including vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids within our white blood cells. Scientific evidence shows us that analyzing the white blood cells gives us the most accurate analysis of a body’s deficiencies.

What results will I see?

Laboratory results include an overview page with all deficiencies listed, numeric and graphic reports easily identifying deficiencies and repletion and supplementation recommendations. VITAMINS Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Biotin Folate Pantothenate Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin K MINERALS Calcium Magnesium Manganese Zinc CopperAMINO ACIDS Asparagine Glutamine Serine ANTIOXIDANT Alpha Lipoic Acid Coenzyme Q10 Cysteine Glutathione Selenium Vitamin E SPECTROX™ for Total Antioxidant FunctionIIMMUNIDEX™ Immune Response Score CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM Chromium Fructose Sensitivity Glucose-Insulin Metabolism FATTY ACIDS Oleic Acid METABOLITES Choline Inositol Carnitine

Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to affect the function of the immune system, which can contribute to degenerative processes such as arthritis, skin cancer, psoriasis, hair loss, eczema, and aging.

How do I get my Micronutrient test?

Call or email Dr. Scheel’s office and request a blood test for SpectraCell’s Micronutrient Testing panel.   An appointment will be made for you to have a consultation with one of our medical providers. After your consultation your blood will be drawn in the Kona office and then flown to SpectraCell Laboratories in Houston, Texas for analysis. Your white blood cells will be analyzed by laboratory scientists for a period of approximately one month. After your blood test you will make an appointment to follow up with Patsy Colvin, PA-C, our anti-aging specialist, who will review your easy-to-read, comprehensive test results when testing is competed, a period of about 4-5 weeks after your blood test.

Who should get micronutrient testing?

Research has shown that people with chronic illnesses or intestinal issues tend to have nutritional deficiencies. We feel that this is an important test for our patients who have melanoma, recurrent skin cancer, hair loss, eczema, psoriasis, chronic dermatitis, and people who are taking long-term medications. It is also a good test for athletes and people who are interested in achieving and maintaining optimal wellness.

Drugs that cause nutrient depletion

Many people are on long-term medications and are completely unaware that their medications are leaching nutrients from their bodies, a well studied and documented phenomenon. The following commonly used medications are known to cause nutrient depletion: Steroids, non steroidal anti-inflammatories, diuretics, blood pressure medications, cholesterol lowering medications, diabetic drugs, antiviral drugs, antacids and ulcer medications, some antibiotics, some anti-depressants, birth control pills, antiviral agents, and anticonvulsants.

How will I know which supplements – if any – to take?

Many people take a “shotgun” approach to vitamin supplementation. They take an array of vitamins because they have read or heard that they might be good, without any knowledge of whether they might actually need them or what the proper dosage is. After reviewing your micronutrient test results, a personalized plan of nutrition and /or supplementation will be formulated for you to replete your nutritional deficiencies and bring your nutrients to the optimal levels for health and wellness.

Custom Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Based on your lab results, dietary changes will be recommended for you. You may choose to address deficiencies through diet alone.  If you desire, you may choose to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Exact supplements and the proper dose to fit your needs will be recommended for you. You can go to the store and buy vitamins, or, if you like, supplements will be formulated for you based on your exact personal needs. They will be as unique to you as your own fingerprint. These custom made, personalized vitamin supplements will be formulated for you based on your test results and a questionnaire you fill out.  Your vitamin supplements will be compounded for you, not made months in advance and warehoused for future use.  They will be shipped directly to your doorstep every three months.

What does it cost?

Micronutrient testing copay is $190 if you have health insurance, including Kaiser.  If you have Medicare the copay is $88. Cash price with no insurance is $390.  Cost of custom made vitamins tends to run approximately $100/ month, but may vary according to personal need. At Dr. Monica Scheel Dermatology, we strive to stay at the forefront of personalized medicine, bringing you the cutting edge developments in disease prevention and health and wellness today.