
May Skin Cancer Events

The month of May is Skin Cancer/Melanoma Detection and Prevention month and we held several free events in the community educate everyone on the importance of preventing and detecting skin cancer. On May 10th we held our annual free skin cancer screening clinic, and our knowledgeable staff volunteered their time to provide free skin checks to those in our community. We had more than 100 participants this year, and various types of skin cancers and pre-skin cancer signs/symptoms were detected in several of our participants. Kona Screening 1 Patients with suspicious spots were sent to be further examined by our MelaFind machine to gather additional information as to whether or not their spots should be biopsied. Eight of these people had high readings where a high-likelihood of pre-melanoma was found. This event is something our team members take a lot of pride in and look forward to bringing to our community every year. This year we did skin checks on 107 people and found: – 40 patients had AK’s (pre-skin cancers) – 11 patients had Basal Cell Carcinoma – 4 patients had Squamous Cell Carcinomas. – 8 patients had high MelaFind readings – 1 patient had a pre-melanoma Kona Screening 2 In addition, because seniors are at higher risk for all types of skin cancer, we joined in at the Senior Fair at North Community Hospital on May 15th where PA-C Marné CarMichael Walsh, PA-C Patsy Colvin, Brittany (PA Student), Chip (Brittany’s fiancé), Mahealani Walsh, Dr. Shane Morita, Dr. Jeffrey Tolan, and Dr. Lawrence all came together to help spot check our seniors. The seniors really appreciated the service and Mahealani and Chip made sure each one of them understood the ABCDE’s of Melanoma. The team did skin checks on 65 seniors and found: 16 patients had AK’s (pre-skin cancers) 7 patients had dysplastic nevi 4 patients had Squamous Cell Carcinoma 5 patients had Basal Cell Carcinoma 1 patient had a melanoma senior screening Dr. Scheel and our team also gave two free skin cancer detection and prevention talks, one in Waimea and another in Kona, where they gave valuable insight on how to check for early signs of skin cancer and discuss what everyone should know about melanoma. They gave out free sunscreens and had a drawing to give away a free skin check!