
Look as Young as You Feel!

By Dr. Monica Scheel
Yes, the day will come, likely in your fifties, when you look in the mirror and say….”Wow, my skin is changing.”   You will think, “I work out, eat healthy, try to manage my stress, wear my sunscreen daily and drink water….so what’s going on?”  And, if you don’t do those things, it will happen sooner — in your forties!! Around age 29, your body starts slowing down.   Our cells don’t replicate as well and our repair enzymes aren’t as feisty.  The skin cells don’t turn over as rapidly; it can show as saggy, crepey, dull, sallow, dehydrated skin or skin with precancers and skin cancer.  You can no longer hide the sun damage, burger, lazy days on the couch, dehydration and lack of a skin care regimen.  It’s time to buck up and take charge of your skin and your life. And here is the absolute truth!!  You CAN look as Young as you Feel and you CAN prevent Skin Cancer!  The science of anti-aging and skin cancer prevention has been around for 10 years and it’s readily accessible to the general population! Here’s my top 10:
  1. Eat your rainbow of colors of fruits and veggies daily – shoot for 10!
  2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
  3. Move! 30 min of cardio 6 days a week. Add strength and stretching.
  4. Manage your stress – I love yoga because it helps with #3.
  5. Have a skin care regimen that includes topical Vitamin C, Zinc Oxide and Vitamin A – Retinol or RetinA. Over 50, time to learn about Phyto Stem Cells, Peptides and DNA Repair Enzymes.
  6. Use Sun Protection Daily….even day even in the house and on a cloudy day.
  7. Have your Vitamin D3 checked with a blood test and get it to 70.
  8. Get your yearly exams: Physical, Mammogram, Pap, Prostate and Skin.
  9. Supplement with a Multivitamin, Omega3 and consider bioidentical hormones.
  10. Exfoliate and make it a professional level exfoliation, you will glow!
Want help?  Come see me or one of our very intelligent and caring dermatology PAs.  Book a visit for a “Prevention Plan”.   Let us tell you about the above and if you are ready, the next level.    Learn about – Food Allergy testing, Multi Nutrient analysis and how to fix all that fun in the sun you had growing up!  This is our passion, our journey and our mission!  We’d love to share it with you! Here’s to me turning 49 next year!   I laid out with baby oil in my teens, ate bad food in my 20s and thought, “it won’t happen to me” in my 30s.   I’m not going down easy.   I’m not afraid to die, I’m afraid to decay.    I want to grow old with a sharp mind, laughter, friends, good health and fabulous skin! In genuine caring, Monica, Patsy, Marne and Tricia and the staff at Dr. Monica Scheel Dermatology