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November Gala

At our gala on November 9th we launched our new PicoTone Skin Revitalization Treatment, Laser Tattoo Removal and our SculpSure Jawline Treatment! Guests sipped on champagne and hourderves from Twin Engine Catering while they went to presentations in each room to learn more about some of the treatments we offer here. Dr. Scheel, along with our Allergan rep, David, presented “Youthful Jawline” which uses a combination of Kybella, SculpSure, Botox and Dr. Scheel’s Lift + Firm Neck Cream for the ultimate combination for jawline and neck rejuvenation. Aestheticians Nicholl and Stephanie educated guests on our new PicoSure Skin Revitalization Treatment which improves texture, signs of aging, acne scarring and pigmentation with minimal pain or downtime. In the other rooms Patsy Colvin, PA-C demonstrated demonstrated how to lift and fill areas of volume loss with Voluma and Vollure to give a more youthful look and Marné CarMichael Walsh, PA-C showed how Volbella and Botox can diminish lip lines and facial wrinkles, taking years off your appearance. We were also very fortunate to have our Cynosure Representative, Josh Smith introduce our NEW Laser Tattoo Removal procedure using PicoSure, the worlds first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with PreasureWave Technology.