Dr. Scheel’s Skin Care Products are specially formulated to help keep your skin radiant and beautiful. They are filled with potent antioxidants and hydration to protect and repair. See brown spots lighten and get firmer, younger looking skin. Dr. Scheel stands by her products and is sure you’ll love them too!
ISDIN is an ultralight sunscreen that is easily spreadable and instantly absorbed. It contains Eryfotona Actinica which helps to protect against sunburn, helps to prevent early skin ageing caused by the sun and can decrease the risk of skin cancer.
Restorsea is the only medical grade skincare line formulated with non-toxic ingredients. NO: Parabens, Phthalates, PEGs, Sulfates, Silicones or Mineral Oil. All Restorsea products contain our proprietary enzyme, Aquabeautine XL, an enzyme released by salmon at the time of hatching.
TiZO’s multiple Titanium Dioxide & Zinc Oxide particle sizes are coated and structured to create a uniform layer of coverage that prevent UVA-UVB rays from reaching the skin, which inhibits pre-mature skin aging and the formation of free-radicals TiZO uses the #1 rated sunscreen ingredients, as designated by the United States E.P.A.
Dr. Scheel’s Skin Care Products are specially formulated to help keep your skin radiant and beautiful. They are filled with potent antioxidants and hydration to protect and repair. See brown spots lighten and get firmer, younger looking skin. Dr. Scheel stands by her products and is sure you’ll love them too!
ISDIN is an ultralight sunscreen that is easily spreadable and instantly absorbed. It contains Eryfotona Actinica which helps to protect against sunburn, helps to prevent early skin ageing caused by the sun and can decrease the risk of skin cancer.
Restorsea is the only medical grade skincare line formulated with non-toxic ingredients. NO: Parabens, Phthalates, PEGs, Sulfates, Silicones or Mineral Oil. All Restorsea products contain our proprietary enzyme, Aquabeautine XL, an enzyme released by salmon at the time of hatching.
TiZO’s multiple Titanium Dioxide & Zinc Oxide particle sizes are coated and structured to create a uniform layer of coverage that prevent UVA-UVB rays from reaching the skin, which inhibits pre-mature skin aging and the formation of free-radicals TiZO uses the #1 rated sunscreen ingredients, as designated by the United States E.P.A.
We are very excited to announce that we have partnered with an FDA approved Pharmaceutical facility to produce our very own Dr. Monica Scheel Dermatology compounded prescriptions!
In the 10 years that we have been in practice, we have seen more and more that insurance companies dictate how diagnoses are treated and how big pharmacy companies drastically increase prices on medications that have been around for decades without much change in formulation. The vision for our practice has always been Genuine Caring and to not be bound by insurance companies or pharmaceutical companies telling us how to treat our patients. It is this same line of thinking as to why our full skin checks range from 30-45 minutes and we offer a wide range of state of the art technology options for care of specific conditions.
Needless to say we are shocked and disheartened in the dramatic increase in cost to our patients for prescriptions that were at a reasonable price point in the recent past. Insurance has been covering less and less for dermatologic prescriptions and pharmaceutical companies have been increasing medication costs (in some instances up to 800% increase in a year) leaving the financial burden to the patient. We want to offer an effective, reasonable option for those prescriptions that have become a financial burden to our patients and to ensure that our patients receive the best care that we can recommend for them.
We have proudly partnered with an FDA approved Pharmaceutical facility, Prescriber’s Choice to produce 17 custom blended compound prescriptions that cannot be prescribed or purchased anywhere else. Our prescription topical treatments that are comprised of higher quality ingredients than what you receive at the pharmacy and often cost less than current co-pays for similar medications (all of our prescriptions are $45!). Additionally, we dispense all medication in-house so you will leave your appointment with the prescription in hand! No more standing in line at the pharmacy and no more denials of your needed medication!
The compounds and ingredients were specifically chosen by our providers based on what our patients need most, what is the most safe and gentle and what has become cost ineffective in recent years. We do not offer medications that can be purchased from the pharmacy at a lower cost. Our goal is truly to provide our patients with high-quality, low-cost solutions.
Some of the conditions we can treat with our medications are:
Nail fungus
Alopecia/Hair loss
Seborrheic Dermatitis/Dandruff
Scar Treatment
Stubborn acne/Acne rosacea
It should be noted that we in no way receive any type of perks, rebates or kickbacks from any pharmaceutical company by offering our own prescriptions. It’s quite the opposite actually. We are going against the grain and traditional insurance dictated treatment options by offering in-house dispensing of medication because we feel very strongly this is the best option for our patients. Our patients best interest has always been at the forefront of our treatments offerings.
You will need an appointment with a medical provider for your initial prescription to evaluate your condition but once you’ve been prescribed your cream/lotion/gel/shampoo, you will leave with it that day and prescriptions can be refilled over the phone or shipped it to your door.