
We raised $20,000 to fight MS

ms-ride-2013This year Shirley and Vicki were the lucky two from our office who participated in the 2-day Bike MS: Go BIG or Go Home ride. Starting in Waikoloa, over a hundred cyclists rode to Kapaau the first day and then to Kailua-Kona the second day for a total of 115 miles. Both days were bright and sunny, great for cycling but tough on the skin!

Thanks to Coola Sunscreen and Dr. Monica Scheel Dermatology, ample sunscreen was available at the start of each day and at multiple points along the course. Vicki wore arm coolers and capris to further safe-guard herself from the sun’s damaging rays. Both Shirley and Vicki used sunglasses and an SPF 30 lip balm to protect their eyes and lips while riding (yes, they can get sunburned too!).

We are also pleased to announce the prize winners for their top donations in support of our office for the MS Ride:

Juanita Lopez – 1st prize, One Intense Pulse Light Treatment (IPL) for the face ($440 value)

Carole Herren, Christopher Green – 2nd prize, A series of 3 DermaSweep Microdermabrasion treatments for the face ($285 value)

Dr. Frank & Laura Sayre, Janet & Grant Miller – 3rd prize, Skincare Consult with a Red Carpet Ready treatment for the face ($175 value)

Thank you to all who donated. We teamed with BikeWorks and raised $23,914 to help fight Multiple Sclerosis!