
Work day at Hualalai

hualalai-work-dayOn August 14th, our Staff split up and visited both Hualalai Resort for their Employee Health Fair and Kukio to visit their Members.

Danielle and Shirley visited Hualalai Resort employees and handed out educational materials and signed people up for a prize drawing. They also brought a UV Skin Scope so employees could view the sun damage on their faces as well as oily and dry areas not normally visible by the naked eye. Seeing is believing!

Whether you work outside or inside a nice office with windows, you are at risk of getting sun damage. Even driving your car to work or for work, you are being exposed to the sun as most window glass filters out only one kind of radiation, the UVB rays, while still allowing the deeper penetrating UVA rays to get through. So we recommend that everyone use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or higher whenever you leave your house. And if your job involves sweating or getting in/out of water, you should use a waterproof sunscreen and reapply often.

Dr. Scheel was excited to participate in the event at Kukio to educate and offer a range of services and products to their residents that they may not be aware of.

Dr. Scheel, assisted by Teresa, did skin cancer checks and answered many questions about the skin.  Linda Jo showed people their UV damage in a UV Skin Scope, Debra did DermaSweeps, one of our popular exfoliation treatments, and Vicki answered questions about the wide range of services we offer in our office.

Each patient was given a form showing a body map of any concerning areas.

We had a lovely day at Kukio and educated more than 25 people in regards to sun protection and skin care.