
2016 Run for Hops

Run for Hops Group There was a record turnout at this year’s Run For Hops! A fundraiser for PATH – Peoples Advocacy for Trails Hawaii’s Bike Ed program, the Run for Hops 5k and 10k events always attract a large crowd being part of the sold-out Kona Brewer’s Festival. Our staff and family members volunteered before the event helping with registration and also with food preparation. Run for Hops 1 After the pre-race work was done, we had lots more fun participating in the event. This year was fairly cool and overcast and Dr. Scheel and her golf coach won awards in the 5K. Our Patient Care Coordinator Mindy did well in the 5K and her husband, Gerald, won a 10K award. Run for Hops 2 Mahalo to everyone who came out to support PATH and the good work they do for our community safely connecting the people and places on Hawaii Island with pathways and bikeways.