
Say Goodbye to Spider Veins!

By Marné J. CarMichael Walsh, PA-C Spider Veins Web Are you bothered by unsightly spider veins on your legs? Do you avoid wearing shorts in public because you are self-conscious about your spider veins? More than 80% of women over forty have spider veins on their legs. Hereditary factors, trauma, and venous insufficiency all cause spider veins. Obesity, age over 40 years, inactivity, and prolonged periods of standing or sitting will make this condition worse. Sclerotherapy is the gold standard for the treatment of spider veins on the legs. Sclerotherapy is the injection of a liquid (Polidocanol, Sotradecal) into the superficial veins causing the vein walls to stick together. The body then absorbs the closed-off veins over a period of 6-8 weeks. Depending on the number of spider veins, 3-6 treatments (usually 6 weeks apart) are recommended. The procedure takes 30 minutes and no anesthesia is needed. For best results, we recommend continuous compression to the treated areas for at least one week following the sclerotherapy treatment. Venous insufficiency is usually a hereditary disorder and it occurs when there is back flow of the venous blood.   The back flow puts pressure on the nearby venous tributaries which then cause them to dilate or expand. Smaller venules, which are normally too small to see, subsequently expand as well and turn into spider veins. Symptoms of venous insufficiency include leg pain or achiness, restless legs, swelling, burning, cramping, discoloration of the skin, or itchiness. It is important to discuss if you have any of these symptoms with your provider at your sclerotherapy consult as you may have venous insufficiency. The diagnosis of venous insufficiency is confirmed by venous ultrasound and, if present, should be corrected by a vein surgeon prior to sclerotherapy in our office. Please call either of our offices for a 30-minute sclerotherapy consult to see if you are an ideal candidate for this cosmetic procedure!